Monday, January 30, 2012

Owen is 2!!!

Owen just celebrated his 2nd birthday!  Happy Birthday to you, Owen!   I feel like he's been two for months now because we've been talking about it since November. He has changed and grown up so much since the last post. He's put on a little weight, gotten a little taller, his foot has grown another 1/2 size and he's talking to us in sentences. I can not believe how much he knows. As if he's been filing away words for the past two years and all of a sudden he is capable of saying them.  Who know!? He will repeat ANYTHING right now. So it's so crucial we watch what we say around him. We do a ton of cheers, positive encouragement, and roll playing each night when Daddy is home to help. It's kinda like acting for dummies. Lol. But it seems to really be helping him along. He's doing well at preschool and today I was able to leave him for the first time. He said, Mommy comes back.  And when I returned he gave me the biggest smile ever!  I think it lit up the whole room. It made my whole day! There is nothing better than when he runs into my arms, hugging and kissing and he's so happy to see me. I pray that never fades, but I know one day he will be to big and mature for this kinda PDA. So I'm just gonna soak it all up while I can. I now know how his Daddy feels each evening when he comes in from a long day at work. Owen gets so excited to see him! He runs to the door screaming, DADDY,  DADDY, DADDY HOME! 

These are the little things that we should never take for granted.  He loves us so much and is all of a sudden so capable of expressing and reciprocating/ showing his love for us.  We have started doing the "love sandwich." James and I hug and kiss him tight saying, you're in the love sandwich. We tell Owen he's the meat and baby brother is the cheese. We of course, are the bread. It's so silly and cheesy, but he loves it. Now he request the love sandwich. I highly recommend this if you have little ones! It makes me think of, Meet the Fockers...and the circle of trust. Lol!

Two is a wave of emotion for Owen. High-Highs and Low-Lows!  But despite the drastic changes I wouldn't trade it for the world.  Sure, I look sleep deprived and tired...some days I look at myself in the mirror and think, who are you. Lol. But that might also be due to the growing midsection and hips. I think my belly is just now at 23 weeks starting to emerge...a little. It's still not really noticeable that I'm pregnant. Just looks like I've put on some weight or eaten too many beans. But I kept bumping into the handle on the shopping cart and I can't snap my coat, so I know I've grown out some.

Tomorrow we have Owen's 2 year check up and I'll post his stats later. Looks like based on our measurements at home, he's going to be around 5 feet 10 inches, just like his Daddy.

The past two years have flown by! It's been a great ride and I really enjoy reflecting on how much he's grown, changed and developed.  I'm so proud to call him my son.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Friday, January 20, 2012

Tuesday, January 3, 2012