Thursday, April 22, 2010

Mr. Kicky Pants

When Owen was only a few weeks old, and his legs were still folded up from being breech, we would change his diapers and he would kick his legs to the point that we could hardly get his diaper on. We started calling him Mr. Kicky Pants and even though we are doing much better these days with diapering the nick name has stuck. Yesterday, I was in the kitchen putting dishes away and Owen was playing in his play pen. He normally kicks and giggles and lately has even started to yell. He was getting pretty worked up with some high pitch screams so I came in the room to check on him. When I looked down in the play pen, there he was kicking and giggling and having fun, but he was kicking so fast that he was kicking right out of his pants. He makes me laugh!

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