Yeah, we've been away for a bit. Did you miss us? We missed you!
Many reasons....
1. Owen attacks the laptop and rips the keys off, so I no longer use it in his presence. 2. I have a new smart phone so I've been doing all of my "work" there, but it isn't good for blogging. 3. Owen's been sick for the past 6 weeks (on and off) with so many differnt things...I just can't even go into it all. Let's just say he seems to be doing much better today and my stress level has decreased a good bit. 4. I'm having a terrible time taking his picture. He doesn't sit still for a second! He moves and makes all the pictures blurry or cries because he wants to hold the camera. (Which we all know how that ends :). I seem to be doing better with videos of him, so I hope to get some of those uploaded to utube soon and get them posted here. Technology is great. It keeps us connected, but it takes time. I commend those of you who keep up with it.
Since Owen turned one I have so much less free time in the day. Maybe 1 hour without him glued to my side. And that time is cleaning, washing clothes, checking the mail, taking care of the dogs. I spend a lot of time chasing after him (he likes to run from me now) and picking up all the messes he makes. It's truly exausting and a bit mind numbing at times. This sounds horrible I know. It's the unglamorous side of being a SAHM. It's the reality of it though. This could be a good add for birth control.
And when he takes his (1) nap a day now, sometimes I just sit on the sofa with everything turned off and close my eyes for 30-40 mins. Normally he's awake before I fall asleep, and we start the process all over again. And you know what is really sad, I feel quiltly for sitting down and resting. There's so much that needs to be done still in the day.
Toddlers have amazing energy! They don't stop moving! They wiggle, fidget, run, play, climb and bounce all over the place! I get tired just watching him move.
This dawned on me the other day....Toddlers are alot like puppies. They do a lot of the same things.. But the big difference is, I can't swat my son with a rolled up news papper when he's being naughty. And there it is, a laugh :) I'm just venting. And trying to keep it real. Owen is the best thing that ever happen to me. And he makes life much more exciting and adventurous. It's never dull anymore. I never say I'm bored or have nothing to do. Each day is busy, hectic, and full of life. There's much to be grateful for. And this is just the begenning!
Here are some pics of the last few weeks!
Points at everything these days, I mean Everything! |
notice his virus (rash) on his face |
cracks me up...when he rides in the stroller he hangs his arm over the side |
checking out the ducks at the pond |
he kept looking away |
Hey Mom! Yes, I have your keys and I'm playing with this cord! It's fun! |
This was a bad day! |
Every time I took the camera out he cried! |
Later, playing sweetly with his books and toys |
he has memorized all the sea animals in this book and can point to them when asked |
studying so hard |
I will update you on all the wonderful things Owen can do at the end of the month. He'll be 14 months then!
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