Monday, August 1, 2011

Owen is 18 Months!

Where in the world has the time gone?  This year has passed very quickly!  On Friday Owen turned 18months.  I nearly cried on the way home from his Well Check-Up.  He was in the back seat doing his signs to the Signing Time CD.  I just couldn't believe how big he was and how far he's come, developmentally in the past month.  From 17-18 months he's really matured and his communication skills are really growing.  In many ways it's getting easier because we can understand each other now.  But with that being said, his tantrums have increased too.  Now he really understands what NO means and he really doesn't like it.  When he's upset or angry I totally see myself in Owen.  He makes the same facial expressions and he's perfected his unhappy face this past month.  As sad as it is to see him unhappy, part of me wants to laugh.  You know how dramatic little ones can be over the smallest situations.  Owen looks more and more like James each day that passes, but when he smiles or pouts I see myself. Lol!  Not sure if this is good, but it's truly the only time I see my DNA in him.

I haven't gotten too many pictures this month, but the ones I did get really show how active and curious he is.  I can't turn my back on him for a second!  If he's quiet and not responding to his name, I go running! He is ALWAYS getting into something or climbing on top of furniture and even the kitchen table!  No surface is safe and out of reach at this point!  He even knows how to remove the child locks on the bathroom cabinets and he can now slip his hand into the drawers with child locks and pull things out.  I was on the phone the other day and he opened the bathroom door, turned on the bath water, and climbed in the tub with all his clothes and shoes on! I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw him.  He was splashing and swimming like he was in the pool!  So looks like we will be putting child safety locks on all doors!

I took a 6hr CPR course on Saturday.  It was long and intense, but I feel so much better after practicing.  Very surreal having to do CPR and chocking techniques on a baby doll.  Made my skin crawl! And apparently I was hitting the baby too hard.  I was called out in front of the whole class.  The instructor said, Mam not so hard! We all laughed!  I was thinking.... if this was Owen or another baby, I need to get the feel for smacking a baby to get and object unclogged from their airway. So I was pounding that baby doll pretty hard. I pray I'll never use any of the techniques.

Owen is a lot of fun these days! He says Uh-Oh all the time.  If I drop something he says, Uh-Oh Mama, Uh-oh! I took him in the grocery the other day on my hip.  We were running in quickly.  He kept saying Uh-oh, Uh-oh.  I was in a hurry and ignored him.  I thought he was trying to be funny.  When we got back to the car he was missing a shoes!  I said, Owen where is your shoes?  He looked at me and smiled back, Uh-Oh Mama!  I started laughing.  Ok, so you were really trying to tell me something important.  I had to back track and find his shoes.  He thought it was such fun!  When I found his shoe he started clapping for me.  It was really a fun moment!  I was even running late, but I made sure to enjoy the hunt and laughter that we shared.  These are the moments that pass so quickly and if I'm not careful I can forget to see the humor and innocence.  I'm sure there are many more stories like this from the past month, but these are my favorites.

I have really enjoyed watching his growth from 15-18 months.  It's just amazing!  What a big difference 3 months can make.  I can't believe Owen will be going to pre-school soon.  I know he will really enjoy himself.  He loves being around other children.  And I know it will be very bittersweet for me.  I'll appreciate the time apart, but it's a reminder that he needs me less and less each day.  Oh well, better get accustomed to this feeling.

Here are Owen's stats for his 18 Month visit:

Height: 34 1/2 inches 97% (he's still tall)
Weight: 25lbs. 48% (didn't gain any weight this past month)
Head: 18 3/4 50%

I told Owen the other day he was dirty.  He started wiggling his hand under his chin.  I said, that's not the sign for dirty.  I really had no idea what it was.  So i pulled out the flash cards and sure enough the sign for dirty is wiggling your hand under your chin.  I was shocked!  Ok, so it only too 18 months for my son to be smarter than me. Lol!  James said, don't underestimate him! Scary!

Hope you enjoy these pictures! They really capture his personality!

Notice how dirty Owen is in all of these pictures!  He's a very messy little boy!

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