Spring is here! It came early for us this year, for so many looks like. I am super excited too, but feeling a little off, like it should be April and not March. The neighborhood is covered in a canopy of Cherry Blossom Trees and huge Bradford Pears. It is just amazing! I wish my family could be here to see it. It only last a few short weeks and today the blossom are already falling. Owen looked outside this morning and said,"Mama it's snowing."
We are on a mad dash to get this house properly organized and tidy! Now that its warm out we are doing some much needed yard work. And have our first McPherson Yard Sale planned for the 31st. The house is slowly but, surely, coming together and feeling like home, and less like The Brady Bunch residence. It's bright and sunny with all the glass and the birds sing so loudly here. I think we truly found a little piece of heave, that just needs some major elbow grease and TLC.
The baby's room is mostly finished thanks to my Big Brother, Shane. He came up last month to give James a hand on the stairs and nursery. I'm so grateful too! It would have been too much for James alone with his 14hr work days, 5 days a week. That man works so hard and he comes home and continues to help me out...I love him so much. Even if occasionally I get jealous as he sits and watches a movie down in the basement. I guess I could learn a thing or two from him about R&R.
But with only 9.5 weeks to go....I can not think about rest right now. There is a long list of things to organize before I'm a sitting duck again. I'm getting nervous about how I'm going to schedule things out and mostly maintain Owen's schedule, which at this stage is crucial we stay on, or else we see a side of him that is too horrible to bare. It's a full time job just making sure he's on that schedule, to the T, and still getting things done around the house. Let's just say, I'm embarrassed that my bathroom has yet to be cleaned in two weeks. But hey, who's looking at it? Just me!
This is only temporary I know, and if we can work through these next few years...we can do anything!
I just had a ultrasound to check on Baby Boy. My belly is measuring about a 1-2 weeks behind. I passed my glucose test, but the Dr. recommend I do more grazing on high fat/protein foods. So I've eaten steak it least 4 times in the past two weeks! The baby is looking small measuring in the 28%. My OB isn't concerned but, wants to keep a close eye over the next few weeks to make sure he's fattening up nicely. So far he is not Breach! I am so thrilled on this alone and to know I may not need a C-section after all. Although, I know there is still a very good chance that I could end up with one. If you are reading this...please cross your fingers for me :) I keep having long talks with Baby about growing and getting fat and staying head down. I've still yet to take one pregnancy picture. I really hope to get it done this weekend.... We will see. Lots of work planed already. It would be so sad not to have it least one.
Owen is getting very excited to meet his brother. He keeps yelling at my belly, "Baby Brother, come out now!" I keep telling him Mommy needs more time so he can grow. And when ever Owen talks to his brother, he kicks pretty hard. It's a pretty cool relationship that these two already have. I just pray that once his Brother arrives, he's still just as excited as he is now. He's taken a great interest in Baby's lately, so I'm hopeful. I am so happy he will get to experience the bond who will be pretty close in age!
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