Sunday, December 13, 2009

Baby Shower

Here are some pics taken at the baby shower last weekend.  Aunt Skye hosted the shower at her place and it turned out beautifully.  Aunt Laura did a great job getting these action shots and  more pics to come from Aunt Skye's camera.

Skye Leading a Game

Shannnon and I, I think we weight about the same right now

All the ladies

Marissa and I, she keeps me hip and with it!

Baby clothes!
Skye meauring my belly.

 This was Janices' and now it's Baby O's. 
I am so happy Granny passed this down to me.  I miss her so much!

   Sweet little outfit from Mom
Aka: Baby O's May May

What a fun day!  Thank you all for making it special.

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