Sunday, December 20, 2009

Taco Baby

Hi Everyone, just wanted to give a quick update.  I went to the Dr. on Wednesday.  It was a good visit. They just weighed me and did a belly measurement.  Belly was measuring at 32 weeks, so I am right on track there.

Right now, we are still waiting to see if Baby O is going to turn on his own.  For months he's been breach, but they think there is still time and room for him to make the spin around.  He's been folded in half like a Taco, but doesn't seem to mind!  The other night I felt him moving/turning and it was quite painful, so I really hope he did his thing.  I go in on the 28th for another ultra sound to check it out.  I really can't say I blame the little guy, who wants to hang upside down for the next 6 weeks.  I'd rather be a Taco too!  I see he's already taking after me and doing his own thing!

Googled Taco Baby and this is what I found.  Too cute!  Although, how could she move with this on her back? Very original Holloween costume. Wait, I hope it's for Halloween....

I will give another update on the 28th.  We are all doing well, just trying to shovel out after this huge snow storm.  Ok, James is shoveling, but I did make us a nice breakfast.

Amanda & James

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