Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Owen Goes to the Hospital

Where to begin...Well, little Owen woke up at 2am on Sunday morning  (he hasn't woken up in months) so I knew something was up. I ran in his room and he was very hot. I thought, Oh no here we go again!  He's already had 3 cold this season....So I picked him up to go check his temp and he let out a bark of a cough and that was unsettling. I knew immediately it was going to be a long night. We took his temp and made him as comfortable as we could...meaning he slept on my chest until 7am. I was exhausted after being awake all night with him so James let me sleep in and he looked over Owen that next morning. (Seems like he's always getting sick on the weekend so we can't get him to his pediatrician.) So I woke around 10am and Owen still had a fever and was not himself. The cough now had added wheezing. I remember from a conversation I had with a nurse she told me a cough is one thing, but if you hear wheezing you got to get to the dr fast.

So we loaded him up and went over to the urgent care. We waited for over an hour to see a Dr. Meanwhile, Owen was getting worse and his fever was rising. I was getting so nervous at this point. I'd never seen him like this. The Dr. tested him for strep and RSV. Told us they were negative, gave him a does of Tylenol and sent us home. When we got back home, I told him I didn't have a good feeling. I knew Owen was not going to recover on his own without some medication. He was very sick. So we did what the Dr. said - we watched him. We watched him get worse and worse. I was up ALL night with him. Finally at 2 am his breathing was labored and he was struggling to get a full breath. He was wheezing a lot more and crying. He was drooling too. I got James up at 4 am and said, Hunny I am really worried now. We need to do something. I just didn't think he could wait until 10am to call the Pediatrician. So we loaded up again and went to the ER.

Once we were there they knew immediately what he had. They said he had a textbook case of Croup. I've heard of Croup before, but man it's nasty. Owen's cough was like a deep bark. He wheezed and gurgled! They started him on some medication and breathing treatments. Unfortunately, they just didn't help fast enough so they admitted him overnight. With each hour that passed he got better. Which was such a relief to see! He did so well too. He only cried when they were putting in his IV. Mommy and Daddy nearly broke down and cried too. That was just awful. It took 3 nurses and James and I to hold him still. The first IV in his little hand failed so they put it in his foot. That was an ordeal because he wanted to stand on that foot. So it was a challenge to keep him settled and off his foot for a day. And that meant I got to hold him for another day. That night we finally were able to get him to sleep by himself in the crib. It was heart breaking to hear him cry for me to hold him. So many times I had to leave the room and walk around until he would settle for sleep. That was so difficult for me. I was exhausted and my arms just couldn't hold him in that awful upright chair...but I didn't want to upset him...I was so torn. He would cry out Nahnah, Nahnah, Nahnah! And then reach out with his little arms and wiggle his fingers for me to pick him up. Oh that was terrible to see! After a little over 24hrs in the hospital they let us go home. Thank goodness! 

So Im glad to report that Owen has done so well. He is feeling much better and getting back to his old ways. I know he's feeling better because he's a little feisty again! What a scare that little boy gave us! Home just in time for Santa to pay us a visit.

Here are some pictures that James captured from his cell phone.  Anjoli, notice I brought his blankie along.  So glad since we slept there.  That's his magic blankie!

Waiting in the ER

Sick Little Boy

Just got his IV in

And hospital gown on. Not so sure he wants to stay the night.

In his room

Starting to perk up!

Hold me Nahnah!

The nurses were so sweet and brought him toys

Playing in his crib

Daddy thought his foot looked like a frog
Mommy couldn't wait for this to come out!

Friday, December 17, 2010

All I want for Christmas.....

Dear Santa,

I been a good boy this past year. All I want is a box to call my own. Pwees, Pwees, Pwees - Santa. I promise to be good for Nahna and Dada if you bring me a box. I promise!  My Nahna and Dada gave me a box to play with, but they took it away.  And now I have no box.

George Owen
My Nahna (Mama) calls me Owen

Owen admiring the tree

Talking to the tree

Looking so grown up!


I love this box!

This is fun!

Baby in a box!

Owen you are the best gift ever!

Look at me!

No Hands!

Im out!

We like to laugh!

Owen Meets Santa

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Monkey Boy

We have a real monkey boy on our hands! Owen isn't walking yet, but he's climbing on stuff now.  He really has no fear when it comes to heights or falling.  He just amazes me!  He has learned how to climb into the widow seal and anything else he can get his little legs and feet on.  He uses his walker as a jungle gym.  Stands on it, pushes it, and crawls under it, anything but what it's intended for.  If you will notice in all of the pics I have of him lately, he's looking back or up at me with a cheeky look on his face.  He knows he's being a little too curious!  But I must say, he's so much fun to play with these days.

Today I tickled him and he got so excited that he flew forward and bumped his head on the fire place.  I felt so bad.  I gave me a goose egg!  We quickly ran and put a bag of frozen peas on his head which surprisingly he found very funny.  I showed him that I could put the peas on my head too and he chuckled.  I know he thinks that's weird since that's what he eats for dinner most nights.

He's chattering so much these days.  Really trying hard to repeat most things that you say to him.  He's got tree down now and if you ask him where's the tree he looks right at the Christmas tree.  He really likes the Christmas jingles on the commercials too and claps.  I love them too!

Well Owen's big boy car seat just arrived from!  So we will be installing that tomorrow.  I can't wait!  He's really grown too big for the infant seat now and it's hard to get him in and out.  Not to mention he looks a little uncomfortable.  All of Owen's Christmas presents are ordered!  We did our shopping on line this year.  I can't wait to see his little face on Christmas morning!  I know he's still too small to really get into it, but I think he'll have a reaction - I hope to his new toys.

Hope you are keeping warm!  And enjoy the pics!  I have a few videos to upload next.

What Mom?

I removed the handle so he cant pull up - hes investigating

where's the handle?

Hi Owen!  Hi Mom!

Looking So Big!

He doesn't give up

Owen loves his name plate

When babies are quiet - this is happening!

sneaky boy!


Happy 40th James!

Make a big wish!

James, his Mom and Alex

Owen loves this work out ball

and he knows not to touch the heater

but determined to do it anyway

has to check everything out

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Family Photos

We have our family photos back and cards are ready to go.  Here's a sneak peek at the day.

Magnolia Street Photography

Thanks Erin!  You did a great job!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

10 Months!

Owen turned 10 months on the 29th of November!  I know I keep saying this, but I just can't believe it!  He's really grown into a little person (man) the past few months.  He's becoming more independent with each day that passes.  We are on the official count down to his 1st birthday now! 

And many new things coming up:
  • moving to a big boy car seat
  • weaning him off the bottle
  • flipping his mattress over to the toddler side (softer)
My grandmother (Granny) Owen's Great Granny, was here for two weeks to celebrate Thanksgiving with us.  She was such a big help around the house and with Owen.  And I was able to catch up on some much needed rest.  Thank you Granny!  She and Owen had a big time playing together and making strange coughing sounds at each other ( i guess you'd just have to see it to understand) Lol.  When I asked him today, Owen where is Granny?  He looked around the house for her.  It was very cute.  I know he must miss her attention because she gave him so much.

This lil guy still amazes us each day!  And I never could have imagined my love would continue to grow this much..  I'm still in love with his sweet hugs and giggles.  I can't get enough of them!  So I hold him down at least once a day and tickle him!  He shutters with laughter! However, his kisses are much harder to get these days.  I asked him for a kiss and he shook his head No to me.  He did it 3 times in a row.  His Granny taught him to shake his head back and forth.  Thanks Granny!

Owen definitely has more of an opinion these days and really shows us his emotions.  Although his vocabulary is limited to Nahnah and Dahdah he's pretty good at getting our attention and letting us know what he wants.  He calls out for the dogs by saying, Dahg.  He calls Leo - Leh and Emma is- Ehhha.  And I can't tell you how many times I have called Leo-Owen and Owen - Leo!

Owen tries to say tree. He's in awe of the Christmas tree and has to talk to it each time he passes it.  And he calls the tree Dahg?  He's become much more interested in table food and has decided he doesn't like jar baby food or pureed foods as much.  I'm constantly making little meals for him and throwing them in the trash.  This is a little frustrating, but he has more of an opinion so we just roll with it. And are happy to see his growth and development.

Owen is cruising really well and removing his hands to stand alone for a few seconds at a time.  Each time he goes a little longer.  We are anxiously awaiting his first steps!  No pressure Owen!  You'll get there when you're ready.  His new favorite activity is climbing the forts I make him out of the couch cushions.  He is fearless the way he climbs, dives and rolls around on these forts.  I am amazed at his energy at times!   And I'm really looking forward to getting him into My Gym (or something like it) this winter.  It's time!  I think he'll really love it and he'll burn off some great energy.  And this will make for a happier little boy and Mommy.

Yesterday we headed up to Fredrick MD for our family photos and Owen's one year birthday photos.  I know he's only 10 1/2 months, but I wanted to have them done in time to get out the invitations sent out. Nothing like planning ahead ;)  I can't wait to see them.  We did the photo shoot outside in 38 degrees.  We wore lots of layers and we moved very fast!  Owen was such a trooper!  He never fussed or cried!  He seemed a little confused and his little hands were cold since he refused to keep his mittens on.  But he did very well and I can hardly wait to get the proofs back.  Erin Smith took the photos and she has a great eye for nature and rustic settings.  We drove to places in Fredrick and took a few pictures next to old cars, abandon building and then next to an old barn in a field.  It was a real adventure! And I have a great appreciation for photography and models now.  It's not easy work! Here's Erin's website if you want to view her work: Magnolia Street Photography

Owen's Updates:
  • stands with no hands
  • cruises 
  • climbs
  • rolls
  • laughs
  • grunts
  • snorts when he laughs hard (oh I love this)
  • gives big hugs
  • holds his sippy cup well
  • says Nah Nah and Dah Dah
  • does Patty Cake
  • Claps when he's happy or hears music
  • Does the itsy bitsy spider (we've been working on this for over 6 months)
  • won't hold his own bottle (that's my job)
  • eats: feta cheese, black eyed peas, avocado, pasta, lasagna, cottage cheese, crackers, macaroni, waffles, eggs, toast
  • He does not like: oatmeal, broccoli or cooked carrots (I don't like these either - I only eat broccoli because I know it's good for me.)
  • he has a head full of thick hair that is harder to manage these days (has his Daddy's cow licks)
  • His eyes are now hazel and pick up blue or green shirts best
  • loves story time
  • he dances up and down when you sing
  • is in 12-18 months cloths now
  • sleeps from 7pm - 7am
  • takes 1-2 naps a day
  • is in size 4 diapers
  • amazes me each day
Hope you enjoy these photos of the past few week!