Thursday, December 16, 2010

Monkey Boy

We have a real monkey boy on our hands! Owen isn't walking yet, but he's climbing on stuff now.  He really has no fear when it comes to heights or falling.  He just amazes me!  He has learned how to climb into the widow seal and anything else he can get his little legs and feet on.  He uses his walker as a jungle gym.  Stands on it, pushes it, and crawls under it, anything but what it's intended for.  If you will notice in all of the pics I have of him lately, he's looking back or up at me with a cheeky look on his face.  He knows he's being a little too curious!  But I must say, he's so much fun to play with these days.

Today I tickled him and he got so excited that he flew forward and bumped his head on the fire place.  I felt so bad.  I gave me a goose egg!  We quickly ran and put a bag of frozen peas on his head which surprisingly he found very funny.  I showed him that I could put the peas on my head too and he chuckled.  I know he thinks that's weird since that's what he eats for dinner most nights.

He's chattering so much these days.  Really trying hard to repeat most things that you say to him.  He's got tree down now and if you ask him where's the tree he looks right at the Christmas tree.  He really likes the Christmas jingles on the commercials too and claps.  I love them too!

Well Owen's big boy car seat just arrived from!  So we will be installing that tomorrow.  I can't wait!  He's really grown too big for the infant seat now and it's hard to get him in and out.  Not to mention he looks a little uncomfortable.  All of Owen's Christmas presents are ordered!  We did our shopping on line this year.  I can't wait to see his little face on Christmas morning!  I know he's still too small to really get into it, but I think he'll have a reaction - I hope to his new toys.

Hope you are keeping warm!  And enjoy the pics!  I have a few videos to upload next.

What Mom?

I removed the handle so he cant pull up - hes investigating

where's the handle?

Hi Owen!  Hi Mom!

Looking So Big!

He doesn't give up

Owen loves his name plate

When babies are quiet - this is happening!

sneaky boy!


Happy 40th James!

Make a big wish!

James, his Mom and Alex

Owen loves this work out ball

and he knows not to touch the heater

but determined to do it anyway

has to check everything out