Owen loves paper! He loves the mail! He wants to read it, shred it, and then make a meal out of it! I call him my little Monster or Billy Goat Boy. Although he's a lot of work right now and makes such messes I really love this stage. He's really developing his own personality. I love to see him grab his books and sit down and pretend to read to himself. When he climbs up on the sofa and sits next to me to share a snack.....And I love that when I leave him and return he runs to me with open arms calling out, Dada! It makes me laugh! I say, Owen can you say Mama and he says, Dada. I say, Owen can you say Aidan and he says, Aidan. I say, Owen can you say duck and he says, duck. Then I start back over from the top. Each time he calls me Dada. Lol! I ask him to show me his belly and he pulls his shirt up and grabs his tummy. He can point to his nose and teeth and even mine. He's really becoming so much more aware. In the car he points and grunts at trcuks and school buses. I have to be careful because I catch myself looking back and talking to him. And I need to focus on the road.
He's a real joy and a whole lot of work! But I'm very grateful we've had this past year together. And I wouldn't trade it for the world.
I took these pictures of him last week. Hope you enjoy!