He had a great check up and he's now drinking Moo Milk. The Pediatrician told me not to offer him the milk in a bottle. She said just go full force - no weaning. So far he's doing very well, but I am giving him 1 bottle in the morning just to make sure he gets all his milk in for the day. I think after a few weeks we will drop it and be 100% on the cup. So here's a look at what Owen's up to these days.
Weight: 22 1/2 lbs 50%
Height: 31 1/4 inches 90%
Head 18 inches 25-50%
Shoe Size: 5 1/2 wide
Diaper: size 4
Clothes: size 18 months
has 6 teeth (4 on top and 2 on bottom)
Snorts and shows his teeth
is very ticklish
claps and dances
loves to feed the dogs
favorite snacks: animal crackers & pirate's booty (cheddar puffs)
said Mama a few times this week
is saying Dog much more clearly
tries to say bless you (bee who) and again (ah gen)
chattering is sounding more like real words
ask him where things are and he goes and gets them
his car seat is forward facing now (i love this! I can see him now)
is learning to point at objects
waving hello and bye bye
shakes his head NO to most questions you ask (this is funny)
is cutting his bottom molars (taking forever to come in - waking up 2-3 times some nights)
follows me every step I take
loves to pull things out of drawers, cabinets and closets (now to teach him to put things away)
enjoys story time
and loves to do little tumbling moves
Looks like we covered all the major milestones for 12 months and now I'm looking forward to hearing him talk. Can't wait to hear the things that will come out of his mouth!
Since the haircut - this is Owen's hair after sleeping.
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