Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Spring Festival

James took Owen to the Spring Festival being held with my Mom Group on Sunday.  I had to stay home and make sure the Spanakopita was ready for Easter.  It takes about 3 hours or longer to prepare so I had to get it done this past weekend or it would be disastrous.  So James loaded Owen up and took him to see the bunnies, ponies, and goats.  They even had hotdogs, cotton candy, popcorn and red velvet cupcakes...yumm.  Really hated I missed the snacks :)  One of the Mom's really went all out!  I was sad I missed it.  It was such a pretty day out too.  But James took the camera and got some great pictures of Owen and Elaine and Abigail.

This was on Sunday before I gave him a good hair cut.  Boy, I didn't realize how long and thick his hair had gotten since January.  I cut it nice and short for his Easter picture with the Bunny. James says, he's not allowed to have long hair, ever :)

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