Sunday, October 31, 2010

From the past few weeks

We are very behind on the post and pics, but we've been really busy with Dr visits, flu shots, vaccines, James' hurt back and preparing for Owen's first Halloween and Party.  So here are some pics form the past few weeks.  I will post Halloween Party, Halloween Night and His Nine Month Update ASAP.  This little guys keeping us (me) Very Busy!

Twins.  They even have on matching shoes :)

Dont look at the TV...This is our new living room

Welcome to Romper Room!


Get me out of jail!


He really does like his new play room

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Butler's Orchard

As you can see from these photos we arrived just before sun set.  We were late getting there due to Owen's late nap so we didn't get to go into the festival.  But we took these pictures in the pumpkin patch and hit up the farmer's market. We had a nice visit!  I wanted to buy pumpkins there but the line was so long so ill pick up some tonight at the grocery store.  We were able to see Elaine, Mark and Abigale (friends from our birth class) there and went out  for burgers afterward. That was the highlight of my week!  It was so good to talk and laugh and not think about my eyes or going back to the Dr.  Maybe next year the babies will enjoy the festivities a little more ;)  It was so funny to see all the first time parents putting the babies down in the pumpkin patch for photos.  And I am always amazed at how fancy people's cameras are these days!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Overwhelming Week

I'm trying to catch up with the blog tonight since I haven't had a chance to post in a bit.  Owen isn't himself right now.  He's cutting his eye teeth.  Poor guy!  He had about two weeks of no teething and it was really nice.  But I knew that couldn't last!  All week he has been fussy and waking up in the night.  He's also had some stomach issues associated with cutting these teeth and we are back to changing a lot of dirty diapers.  Well, you know it's been a hard day when he's bathed, dressed, feed and in bed by 5:30pm.  He's been asleep ever since tonight, but I have a feeling he'll be up around midnight for a does of Motrin.  Good thing they make 8hr now so he should make it through the night on that.  I hope!

I took these pictures early in the week of him playing.  I just love to sit and watch him explore the living room and his toys.  He is silly with his crab mallet I gave him.  I guess any boy born in MD should have one as a toy!  He likes to beat it on the bay windows and make his music.  He is really getting so independent and big!

This week has been a bit overwhelming for us all though.  Not just because of the teething and not sleeping well, but also because I was told on Wednesday that I had inflammation in my eyes (white blood cells) and had I not caught this when I did it could of lead to blindness.  It was a hard thing to hear!  I have been to two specialist this week for testing and I have a good bit more testing next week before they can properly diagnose what's wrong with me.  Sometimes when people have this inflammation in their eyes, it is a cause of a more serious thing in the body, like a auto immune disorder or disease.  That too was not easy to hear.  But we are very hopeful that all the testing will come back negative and they will just tell me I have this issue only in my eyes.  And if this is the case, I should be on the road to recovery now with steroid drops for my eyes.  Now there is the chance that this wont go away (any time soon) and may lead to surgery or more vision damage down the road.  Doc said it could be a long road....But what ever that means?  It has already caused me to lose some vision in my right eye, but hasn't affected the left eye as much.  It makes my head hurt and I feel very tired.  Light is also an issue for me....But I am really hopeful that next week they are going to tell me I am going to be ok. There is nothing serious going on.   I am still trying to process this information and not worry about it too much.  I can only take it one day at a time....and for today I am hopeful.   I am currently putting drops in my eyes every 2 hrs and waring glasses.  Its a weird world outside of my contacts.  Most of you have never seen me in glasses before!  But Drs orders so I gotta do it! :) Next week will be another crazy week with more testing and more dr visits.  Pray for me please.  You guys know how much I hate being sick or going to the dr. to get stuck with needles. :(  I'm glad I finally have an answer because I have been suffering with this since July.