Danielle and Shota got married this past weekend at Adina's house in Dallas Texas. We flew out on Friday morning at the crack of dawn. Owen left the house in his pjs it was so early. We got to the airport and when we went to check in, we were allowed to get in a shorter line since we had a baby. Sweet! There are some perks to flying with little ones. We made our way to the counter they asked us for his birth certificate. What? Really? Well, we didn't have it and I thought they weren't going to let us get on the plane. It was 6am and this is way before I get up in the morning. I was in no mood but, luckily I had his social security card and they accepted that in place. Ok, lesson learned! We went to the security check point, and again we were able to get in a shorter line. Yeah! So we breezed through the airport and made it to our gate in record time. We had awhile so we decided to grab some breakfast at the Silver Diner.

Owen and Daddy being cheeky at the table.

For a 2 day night trip we took the following: 1 suite case, 1 garment bag, 2 diaper bags, yes 2!, 1 stroller, 1 car seat, 1 baby carrier. Owen required 6 sets of clothes (we ran out), swim trunks, 3 sets of pjs, hats, shoes, socks, burp cloths, bibs, 4 bottles, 2 bags of milk, 1 bag of cereal, toiletries, lots of diapers, toys....im sure there is more. We just couldn't get over how much stuff we had and needed. It was quite comical. James was loaded up like a pack mule.
We took off and Owen was an angel on the plane. We flew to New Orleans where we had a short lay over. Which was good for all. We were able to stretch, eat and give him a wardrobe and diaper change.

Owen in the New Orleans airport after we changed his clothes.
We finally made it to Dallas around 2 in the afternoon. We went straight to our hotel to check in and rest up. We had to be at the rehearsal dinner at 7pm that night. We were all so happy to get to our room, but I think Owen was the happiest. We let him stretch out on our bed and boy was he a giggle box.

Well, I guess Daddy was helping him out some!

He looks so big here!
I am sorry to report I didn't get pictures of the rehearsal dinner that night. We had a nice Texas bbq at a winery in Grapevine TX. It was so nice to see everyone!
The following day we got up and ate breakfast and took Owen for his first swim in the hotel pool. It was indoors and slightly heated so that was great. He didn't know what to think. He looked like he was thinking, "this is a lot bigger than my bath tub," He was calm, but just not quite sure. I just love his little crab swim trunks and I am glad he got to ware them before he out grew them.

Ok, take 2

After the swim we were all tired and went up to our room to nap. Well, Owen and I slept. James said he was a grown up and didn't need to rest. 15 Min later he came back into the room. He was sleepy too! I have learned to sleep when Owen does even though I am not a fan of naps, they do seem to help us out. We wrapped Owen in a little blanket to keep him warm and dry.

After our rest we decided we needed some lunch so we took a stroll next door to the Bass Pro Shop that was next to our hotel. It was a huge place for people who like to hunt and fish. Why were we there? I have no idea! I decided to try and make it educational for Owen by pointing out all the stuffed animals and making the appropriate animal noise.

Owen, can you say Bear? Big Bear? What does the Big Bear say?

We ate at a steak house next to the Bass Pro Shop. Owen was getting a little antsy.

And finally without further ado, we made it to the wedding. It was so pretty! Here are Danielle and Shota just after exchanging their vows. It was nice to be back in Texas with everyone and nice to show James where I once lived. Danielle's dress was so pretty! She looked so grown up!

James and Owen at the reception
We ate outside in the garden and Owen wasn't use to the heat. Jennifer who was Trevor's assistant for many years sat with us. She was so sweet to hold and feed Owen for me. He did really well throughout the whole service and dinner. We had to take his shirt off to cool him down. Poor baby just couldn't take that Texas heat!

Jennifer and Owen

Owen insisted on standing up while drinking his milk
We wore him out! He went to sleep in Adina's room before we left the party. When it was time to get on the bus back to our hotel he never even woke up.

Sleepy little boy

Bye Texas! On our way back home.

He did so well on all the flights. Looking out at the ground below.

Mom, where are we flying next? Owen we are going to California to see Aunti Anjoli and Baby Aidan. Yay!