Friday, June 4, 2010

Four Months

Owen is four months, one week and a few days old and here's what he's up to:

  • rolling over
  • pulling up when in your lap
  • takes 5-7 oz of milk
  • just started rice cereal this week
  • smiles and giggles
  • teething (early stages)
  • drooling
  • sleeping on tummy
  • grabs toys and can put them in his mouth
  • can move toys from one hand to the other
  • loves to see himself in the mirror
  • has developed a shy side (hides his head)
  • sleeps through the night (although he didn't for a few days)
  • watches Emma and Leo and lets them lick him
  • loves to play with his Uncle Shannon
  • started waring shoes this week
  • favorite song is the Itsy Bitsy Spider and Head and Shoulder Knees and Toes
  • is ticklish
  • favorite time of day -still bath time (he could sit in the tub all day I think)
  • first words: Ah Ghooo (does this count?)
  • likes to watch TV (takes after his father)
  • bounces in a jumperoo
  • can now sit up in an umbrella stroller (and really likes this)
  • plays with my hair
  • pulls my hair and bites (you wouldn't think a baby bite with just gums hurts oh but it does)
  • wares size 3-6 months and 6 months clothes
  • wares size 2-3 diapers

    1 comment:

    1. What a big boy!!!!! And that strawberry cake looks reaaly good in the background!!!
