Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorail Day Weekend

We set out for Lake Anna on Friday afternoon.  Traffic wasn't too bad and we made it in 3 hours.  Owen did well in the car.  I gave him a bottle around the second hour of the ride and he went back to sleep.  We settled in that night and did well getting him bathed and ready for bed by 9pm, but  he just wasn't having it.  He was not in his place and cried for it least an hour before we got him to sleep.  At that point I was exhausted!  This was Owen's first overnight trip and the first time to sleep in his pack and play.  He work up crying at 3am and it took a bottle to get him back to sleep.  When he woke back up at 6am I put him in the bed with us and we slept until 9am.

Saturday we just hung out around the house.  The weather wasn't pretty, but it was nice to lounge around and rest.  It was also nice to have so many hands to help watch Owen.  I think Uncle Shannon is becoming his best friend. He can really get Owen to laugh and chuckle!  It's pretty cute.  Saturday night we stuck to our same bed time routine and Owen went down much easier.  Thank goodness!  We just aren't use to him being overly fussy so it's hard and strange when he is.  He woke up again that night crying for a bottle.  I thought for sure this had to do with him being in a strange place, but this has continued since we got back home on Sunday.  It's a little dishearting since he had been sleeping through the night for over a month now.

A friend mentioned that at 4 month they go through a growth spurt and can digress.  I hope this is all it is and maybe he'll settle back into his routine again this week.  He's been overly cranky all weekend!  Where did my little boy go?

Since getting back home we realized Owen has learned how to scream!  Oh yes he has!  And he is smart too, the louder he screams the faster we move!  He's really trying to sit up, roll over, stand and I think this is a lot for his brain to process and he gets frustrated.  He wants to do it all and now.  Poor guy! Oh and did I mention, he's in the early stages of teething too.  It really started up this weekend.  Drooling, chewing, spitting and sucking on anything he can get into his mouth.  I guess this could cause his shift in mood too.  I don't see any tooth buds just yet, but he's getting ready.

My sweet little boy has worn me out :)

Here are a few pics of the weekend at Lake Anna.


  1. Love that Curious George goes on family vacations : )

    Official favorite picture is the rocking horse

  2. He is just precious!!! I do remember going through a growth spurt around 4 months, too....but I don't think she ever left it, ha!
