We have begun a new sleep routine for Owen. Our previous routine was to bathe him, get him ready for bed, give him a bottle and rock him to sleep. This worked so well when we stated it at 5 weeks - the fourth month. Our goal was to have him in bed by 9pm. We stayed the course for 4 months, but there was one issue. Owen would fall asleep on us as we would rock him and when we put him down in the crib he would instantly wake up and cry. So we would continue the process all over again. On a good night we would have him asleep in 30 min and on a bad night it could go on for over an hour. When he was about four months old, as I was rocking him, I felt his weight baring down as he dozed off in my arms. He was so heavy! It stated to feel all wrong. I knew there had to be easier way to get him to sleep. We tried the cry it out method and that didn't seem to work. So after talking to a few moms, they all said to feed him first, bathe him, read a story, rock him for a minute and then put him down while still awake. I just didn't think it was going to work. I told Anjoli what I was up against and she was very blunt. She said, you better stop that right now because he's going to be a year old and you are going to have to feed him and rock him to sleep. So, I knew at that moment we had to try something new.
Well, we tried the new routine last night and it worked. He started to cry when I put him down, but as I left the room, within one minute he was snoring. It was so great! It was so easy for me and I think it was even better for him. I have taken the same approach on his afternoon nap. It works! We are now getting him down for it least an hour nap. Victory!
I will miss our time together at night, but I know it's time for a change and time for Owen to become a little more independent. Looks like everyone in the McPherson house hold will be getting to sleep much better now.
Great Job Mama!! I am so proud of you! Mike said Owen is starting to look more like you:)