Thursday, July 29, 2010

6 Months Old

Owen is six months!  1/2 a year has passed and this is what he's up to these days. We go to the Dr. tomorrow for his check up so I'll update his stats then.

Dr. Visit 7/30 - Owen didn't cry today when he got his shots.  He got 4 shots (2 in each leg) and an oral medication.  I gave him a little sugar water just before.  I read this in  the Parenting magazine the other day and it worked!  I love those magazines.  They have such good information.
  • Weight: 16 lbs 8 oz (50%)
  • Length: 27 inches (75%)
  • Sleeps from 8pm - 7am
  • Naps for 1-2 hours during the afternoon
  • no longer takes a binki
  • drinks 6 oz bottles 5 times a day
  • eats fruits and veggies
  • loves fresh fruit
  • still teething - but no teeth
  • loves music "BINGO" is his favorite song now
  • is really good at giving kisses - wet ones
  • jumps and squeals when James gets home
  • really good at grabbing things
  • everything goes in the mouth
  • plays with feet and sucks on his big toe
  • gets very mad when he cant pick something up or get it into his mouth
  • throws his toys
  • likes to grab your nose and eyes
  • did I say, drools lots and lots of drool
  • likes to jump in his jumperoo
  • is sitting up pretty well- still falls forward a little
  • trying to figure out crawling
  • loves his highchair
  • wares 6-9 months (but not for long)
  • still in size 3 diapers
  • enjoys his stroller
  • is practicing with a sippy cup

A Package Arrived

Six months ago today, I received a package.  I remember it just as if it were yesterday.  Now, some of the details are a little hazy, but I do know it turned out to be the best day of my life, to date.  I woke up at 5 am on January 29th.  I don't think I slept more than an hour or two that night.  I knew today was the big day!  With a planned c-section there's no real guessing when the baby is going to make it's appearance.  In some ways it's great and other ways, it is so stressful.  For a whole month I knew my baby would be born on the 29th.  I had a whole month to work up some serious nerves. 

Leading up to his birth I was tired, ok exhausted, but I was running at full steam ahead.  I took the week off before to get ready and to spend time with Anjoli.  We had a nice visit.  We went to Cava for dinner, we baked cookies and cake for my birthday.   She took me to get my toes done and we stocked the frig and cleaned the house from top to bottom.  Well, Anjoli did a lot more cleaning than me.  I remember thinking that she had so much energy!  I just didn't know how she was moving so quickly.  Anjoli was probably running on sheer adrenaline, as she had just found out she was expecting a baby the night before she arrived at my house.  That was the best news ever! Oh crazy was that!

As the big day grew near, we both seemed to be slowing down a little.  A few nights we rented chick flicks and pulled out the fold out sofa and snuggled with the dogs and blankets.  Well, Friday was finally here and I was up at the crack of dawn. I woke James up and said,"today is the big day, it's finally time".  I went to the kitchen and made us eggs and toast.  I knew it would be my last meal for awhile and I just couldn't imagine being hungry all day.  We ate our breakfast and I could instantly tell he was as nervous and maybe even more than me.  James rarely gets nervous, but on this morning I could sense it running throughout his body.  He tried so hard to hide it from me, but my senses where on high alert that day.

Anjoli woke up a few hours later.  She was buzzing around.  There was this intense buzz in the house.  I can't really put words to it, but it was intense.  We took some last minute photos in front of the fireplace, where I had taken all of my former pregnancy photos.  Today,  I thought,  would be the last day I would have a belly.  I knew I wanted to remember this morning.  Today was the day I'd meet Owen, but would I miss my belly and him being there?  I was pleased Anjoli was there to get some photos, even if I looked like I was about to pop.  We loaded all of our stuff into the car and took off for the hospital.  As we got closer to the hospital I couldn't decide if I was happy, scared, nervous, terrified or just so happy today was the day.  I had never felt like that before!  When we walked into the maternity ward to check in, my heart began to pound.  I wanted to sob.  Oh how I wanted to just fall down on the ground and cry.  I didn't want to go behind those doors.  Those big doors!  I knew what was behind them.  Oh how I didn't want to go, but I knew it was time and the sooner I got through the hard part the sooner I could hold my little package.  It was time to go.  Deep breath and another pep talk.  I bet no one around me really knew how much I was shaking.  You know those goats that fall down or faint when they get scared, well my emotions were doing just that.  They were locking down.  I was so scared that I probably looked calm.  I was numb with fear, but so happy at the same time.

James and I left behind Paula and Anjoli in the waiting room, where there was an even more intense buzz.  Not only was my crew buzzing, but there were a few other families waiting to receive their little packages too. I think I actually felt a little calmer once I went back to the "prep room".  It was just the two of us there.  That hour that followed was probably the longest hour of my life.  The clock was moving so slowly.  Any longer and I would have ran out of there, naked with only a  gown on, and headed right for the exit.  I was so thankful when my Dr. finally showed up and said, "are you ready to do this?"  Well, duh!  I was beyond ready at this point.  Then the nerves kicked into overdrive.  It hit me! " I am about to go under the knife.  I am really about to do this".  I began to cry and I looked over at James.  He wanted to know why I was so upset.  I told him I wasn't sad, but I was scared.  "What if something happens?"  I then asked him to please pray for me.  I have never in 4 years asked him to pray for me.  Actually, thinking about it, I have never asked anyone to pray for me.  I needed to know that he was asking God to look over me and to bring our baby into the word safely.  He smiled a sweet smile and said, "you will be fine."  That is just like James and I don't know what else I was expecting him to say, but at the time I thought, "that's it?  that's all you got."  Months later, he told me he was so taken  when I asked him to pray.  He didn't know how truly scared I was.  He told me -he later said that prayer.

It was time to go.  Now this is where it gets a little fuzzy because within the next 15 minutes I was pumped full of drugs.  I got my spinal tap.  Boy, what a weird feeling that was.  I then went flat on my back and the pit crew (OR staff) went to work on me.  James came in waring his blue scrubs.  I thought he would make a very handsome Dr.  Hahaha!  Then my Dr. came in and turned up the music.  I just kept thinking, "What is with everyone today?  Everywhere I go, people are so buzzy!"  The OR was rocking at this point.  The Black Eyed Peas song came on, Today's gonna be a good day, or what ever that song is.  I laughed to myself,  "How appropriate! Yes, today was going to be a good day."  I just had to keep repeating that to myself.

Things were moving quickly at this point and I knew we were getting closer.  They asked me if I felt "That".  "What?  Felt what?  What are you talking about?  Huh, what?"  I was drugged, but I wasn't stupid.  No one answered me.  They all just kept working and ignored me.  Well, then it hit me!  "Oh ok, they are checking to see if I can feel them cutting into me. Crap!  There's no going back now.  I am here and we are doing this!.  No, I can 't feel anything!"  Within a few minutes my Dr. tells James to look over at his son.  I can't remember what he said.  I know he commented something about  him being blue. Everyone cheered! 
"Happy Birthday!"  Everyone kept saying happy birthday over and over again.  "Wow!  He's here!"  I heard him let out a cry!  I asked if that was MY baby?  "Yes, that is your son crying."  I cried.  Oh, finally my little package had arrived!  He was here and screaming!  He had arrived!

The hours that followed this are even more fuzzy.  I was exhausted and coming down from the drugs.  When I finally got to my room and was able to hold Owen, every worry and fear had left me for that moment.  The only thing I could think about at that point,  "I am now a Mommy and for him I must be strong."  I wish I could say I remember his face or eyes or something.....Gosh, that's not what I wanted,  to be in a drug state the first time I laid eyes on my son.  I will say, even though I was drugged, I know I felt love for him.

As the day grew to an end and I began to ware down, we asked the nurse to take Owen to the nursery so we could sleep.  It was after he left the room and we were all alone again, just James and I, that I had the biggest cry of my life.  I felt my whole body shake and convulse.  I could finally let it all out!  I didn't have to be strong anymore.  Owen wouldn't see me cry.  I sobbed, we had made it!  We were finally a family and now we could start our new lives with Owen, as parents.  I have never cried like that.  Poor James!  He was at my bed side holding me.  Just letting me get it all out.  I fell more in love with him on that day.

I know this is long and if you are still following, you are kind.  This is healing for me to write about.  My delivery went smoothly thank goodness and it was a good day, but the days and weeks and even months there after were challenging.  Owen's birth in some ways was quickly over shadowed by me getting sick.  I became very ill with Eclampsia and unfortunately it was not caught right away, but we are lucky we caught it when we did.  I hate that I saw my life flash before my eyes.  There is such little understanding about the condition and that leaves a lot of worry in your mind once they tell you that's what you have.  Most pregnant women will get it around 20 weeks, but I was in the 2% category that develops it after delivery.  This shook me up alright.  But some good did come of it.  It caused me to make some life changes. Since all of this, I have been on a pretty healthy diet.  I have made a commitment to work out 3-4 days a week and monitor my blood pressure regularly.  I'm only 30, and while that is still young, it's never too early to think about your health.

So that's my birth story.  That's how it all happened.  That's how my little man came into this world.  He arrived to the tune of, Today's gonna be a good day!  I catch myself humming that sometimes.

Six months ago today, I received a package, a tiny little package.  A baby, a life and forever I am changed.

Owen's brought me laughter, some tears (all good ones), but above all else, he's brought me strength and courage. 


Happy six months to my little monkey boy!  I hope the next half year proves to be just as good as this past.  Every day I am amazed by you.  Your smile makes me smile.  I love to hear you giggle.  Your sloppy, little, wet kisses make my whole world.  I love all of you..  Mommy thinks you are super!  You were the best birthday gift and I can't wait to celebrate with you year after year!


"A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, homes happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for."

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A day in the life of a SAHM

Well, we broke down this weekend and purchased Owen a big boy highchair.  We had been using his little Bumbo seat and tray, but he was leaning over  and it was making it way too hard to get the food in his mouth.  It was a feeding mess and I wasn't enjoying the process very much, but this new high chair has a 5 point harness - he's trapped.  He thinks it's really cool that I can roll him around.  And of course, I make a sound like a car for him.  Whatever works!  He's still a little small for it, but overall it is working out nicely.  Oh, and is my son the only one who likes to poop whenever in his highchair?

Ok, it's official - we have a baby.  Hahaha!  Every square inch of our house has baby items.  I try really hard to keep most of it out of sight until we need it, but we are now over taken with baby gear.  Before, I would pick all the toys/stuff up each night and now I only do it if I know someone is coming over.  It's always a little messy, but hey - what are you going to do?  It's baby land!  So beware if you are to drop by unannounced!  I'm sure it bothers me more than anyone else.  I like for things to be put away, but I just can't keep up or either I have given up?

Today Owen and I went to meet up with my Mom Group.  We all brought recipes and made baby food.  When we were done we shared the recipes and I got to bring home several different things.  Owen hasn't had many of the ingredients, so I have to be good about labeling and then introducing each one separately for 3 days.  I never knew how much work was involved in starting them out on solids.  We made some very interesting stuff like, beef tenderloin with veggies, Indian rice with spices, asparagus risotto, zucchini and basil, and a smoothie with tofu and berries.  I have it all in the freezer now and looks like Owen will be eating well for the next few months.  I baked sweet potatoes last night and will turn those into food for him later tonight.  I have tasted all of these and they are great, with the exception of the texture and color, but they're really tasty. Pureed meat looks awful and smells of meat -  it's strange, but taste good.  The babies seem to really like it.


 We have been really busy running around lately.  Owen has been going to the gym with me 4 days a week.  He really likes the girl who watches him there.  More importantly she really loves him.  I have recently set up a weekly coffee talk, with my Mom Group and we start that next week.  I am working hard to build up my support/network of new friends.  You really start to miss the social aspect of work when you are home with a baby everyday. Well, it least I do!  But I figure it's also good for Owen.  He needs to socialize with other kids and people too.  So hard to believe I stopped working six months ago.  I miss my job some days.  I miss the crazy clients - ok only a little.  I really miss the people I worked with at Hyatt.  So if you are reading, you are missed. 

For some reason,  I can hardly remember my life before Owen.  He is all consuming (not in a bad way) but the way that babies are.  Just bits and pieces of my old life pop in sometimes.  Seems like he has always been with me.  How strange is that?  Like I knew him before I really knew him.  Like we go way back and much further than six months. And again, I don't mean that in a bad way.  I guess when you are fully immersed in something you can't see outside of it.  Owen has changed my whole world!  I never really knew how much I could love him, not even when I would rub the back of his head each day (when he was still in his happy place.)  I would sing and talk to him  and I thought I loved him so much then, but I never knew how much my love could and would grow.  This still amazes me!

Owen at 1 week old

OK, enough rambling.   Well, I better run!  Somebody needs a NAP and ASAP! 

Just got back.  Owen was crying and Leo was barking.  I ran down to check on Leo.  OMG!  Leo had eaten a pair of underware and threw them back up - WHOLE.  HOW? WHY? HELP ME!!!!  Just another day in the life of a SAHM.  (Stay -At- Home Mom)

I will laugh to keep from crying :)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

George & George Practice Sitting

Gator Hunting

I had to get some pictures of Owen in this outfit.  Jane sent this to Owen a few months ago and he's grown into it nicely. It's hard to get photos of him these days.  He is a wiggle worm!

I'm too tired to hunt that gator right now

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Owen's Baptism Celebration

Owen was baptized in the Greek Orthodox Church this past Sunday. It was a beautiful service! We had such hot and humid weather and even rain leading up to the big day, but Sunday was perfect in every way. It took weeks of planning and everything went wonderfully. We had a bout 36 guest come out to see him and we are so happy to have had all of our friends and family there. James' brother Chris is Owen's Godfather and he did a great job throughout the service. Owen is a lucky boy to have such a sweet and loving Uncle as Chris. The Grandmothers even got to partake in the service. Afterward, we enjoined lots of Greek food and pastries back at the house. It was truly a special day and one that we will always remember!

Here are a few of the highlights. Skye took all of these photos for me. She did a great job. If you want to view more. Please visit

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Baby's Best Friend

When you have a little person it's imperative that you keep your camera near you at all times.  You just never know what exciting things they'll do. 

Lately Owen has taken a great interest in Emma.  She's been out and about more since Leo has been at the farm the past week at Dogie Boot Camp.  When we took him to the vet he was 14 pounds over weight so we needed to let him run it off.  With the winter and Owen's arrival he's been a little neglected in the exercise department and now with this scorching summer, it's just been hard.  But he's having a blast with all his relatives and his Momma up in the mountains of West Virginia.  We called to check on him and they said they are teaching him how to retrieve properly. 

Leo, we miss you big guy, but I will say the house has been a little less hectic.  Emma has gotten spoiled now that she is the only pup in the house.  And since she has had this down time, she and Owen have become good friends.  Emma wasn't so sure of him the first two months.  I'm sure she thought he was just visiting and would be going back to where ever he came from soon.  Ha, only if she knew there was no way that would happen or even be humanly possible.  So about a month or so ago when Owen started making eye contact with her, she seemed to come around.  Now she insist on being in his room for feedings, sits at the table while I feed him solids, and has to lay on the blanket on the floor.  I have tried so hard to keep dog hair off of Owen and his stuff, but it's a constant battle that I'll never win.  Emma watches over him so sweetly.  She has even started to give him light kisses.  That's new.  She would never lick him before. Heck she has never even been one to give me kisses. 

Boy, it's a relief to see Emma being sweet with Owen.  I was so worried that she might not warm up to him since she is nearly 11 years old and has always been my baby.  Emma, Momma's proud of you! I still watch with a very close eye, you just never know with animals. They can be unpredictable at times.

Here's a little peek at what's been going on with these two this past week.  So sweet!

I'm pretty sure Owen put her foot in his mouth. Nice!

Monday, July 5, 2010

The first 1-5 Months

1 Month

2 Months

3 Months

4 Months

5 Months

The Attention Span

Of a five month old isn't very long.  Now that Owen is eating solid foods, he likes to take the spoon from me and feed himself.  I thought it would be fun to show you how good he's gotten with his hand eye coordination.  I sat him down, gave him his spoon and turned on the camera.  Well, he lost interest really fast when something on the TV caught his attention, oh yeah, and there is also his foot. 

5 Months

Owen made a mess with his dinner last night so I had to bathe him earlier than usual. His Yia Yia was on her way over and I didn't want him to be in his pjs just yet so I dressed him in this cute little outfit. I thought I better take his five month photos while he was clean and cute. However, it was such a sleepy time for him. Notice the red and puffy little eyes. So I could not get a smile out of him. Let me just tell you, James and I sat and laughed so hard when looking back at these pictures tonight. We added our own commentary to a few of these.  If only Owen could talk, we wonder what he was trying to say. Well, his eyes say so much!

 I'm 5 Months Old!
Hi Mommy!

Ok, you got the shot, now let's go

Mommy, I don't like this hat! I want to go now.

Mr. Bear, we got to get out of here!

Ok, here's how we're gonna do it

On three we are running!


TWO, THREE - I'm out! Forget the Bear!


She got my toes - I can't run now!