Thursday, July 29, 2010

6 Months Old

Owen is six months!  1/2 a year has passed and this is what he's up to these days. We go to the Dr. tomorrow for his check up so I'll update his stats then.

Dr. Visit 7/30 - Owen didn't cry today when he got his shots.  He got 4 shots (2 in each leg) and an oral medication.  I gave him a little sugar water just before.  I read this in  the Parenting magazine the other day and it worked!  I love those magazines.  They have such good information.
  • Weight: 16 lbs 8 oz (50%)
  • Length: 27 inches (75%)
  • Sleeps from 8pm - 7am
  • Naps for 1-2 hours during the afternoon
  • no longer takes a binki
  • drinks 6 oz bottles 5 times a day
  • eats fruits and veggies
  • loves fresh fruit
  • still teething - but no teeth
  • loves music "BINGO" is his favorite song now
  • is really good at giving kisses - wet ones
  • jumps and squeals when James gets home
  • really good at grabbing things
  • everything goes in the mouth
  • plays with feet and sucks on his big toe
  • gets very mad when he cant pick something up or get it into his mouth
  • throws his toys
  • likes to grab your nose and eyes
  • did I say, drools lots and lots of drool
  • likes to jump in his jumperoo
  • is sitting up pretty well- still falls forward a little
  • trying to figure out crawling
  • loves his highchair
  • wares 6-9 months (but not for long)
  • still in size 3 diapers
  • enjoys his stroller
  • is practicing with a sippy cup


  1. He looks like a little man! I know that is bittersweet!!!! 6 months have really flown by!

  2. Yes, they have! But happy to see where the next 6 months take us!
