Monday, July 5, 2010

5 Months

Owen made a mess with his dinner last night so I had to bathe him earlier than usual. His Yia Yia was on her way over and I didn't want him to be in his pjs just yet so I dressed him in this cute little outfit. I thought I better take his five month photos while he was clean and cute. However, it was such a sleepy time for him. Notice the red and puffy little eyes. So I could not get a smile out of him. Let me just tell you, James and I sat and laughed so hard when looking back at these pictures tonight. We added our own commentary to a few of these.  If only Owen could talk, we wonder what he was trying to say. Well, his eyes say so much!

 I'm 5 Months Old!
Hi Mommy!

Ok, you got the shot, now let's go

Mommy, I don't like this hat! I want to go now.

Mr. Bear, we got to get out of here!

Ok, here's how we're gonna do it

On three we are running!


TWO, THREE - I'm out! Forget the Bear!


She got my toes - I can't run now!

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