Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Baby Aidan

My best friend's baby was born 7 weeks early on August 13th.  Last week he had a very hard time and was fighting for his life.  Everyone began rallying and praying for him and I am so happy to report that he has had a complete turn around.  Aidan David is a fighter!  He is still in the NICU, but the Drs are amazed at how quickly he has recovered from last weeks scare.  Today he is waring clothes, drinking his mommy's milk and is off of the CPAP!  I am overjoyed to be able to post this wonderful news!  I love this little boy so much and feel like he is my own nephew.  Well he is!  I can't wait to fly out to Cali in November so we can spoil Aidan with love.  Now if these next few months could just hurry up!  We love you Aidan!

I've had my plane ticket since June! I'm not excited!

1 comment:

  1. I join you in the excitement! Isn't it amazing the turnaround!!! Prayers are working!!!!
