Friday, November 26, 2010

Good News!

I went to the Dr. on Tuesday and had a great report.  The new medication had brought the pressure down in both eyes to a normal level.  For the first time, I was able to see 20/20 in both eyes (with glasses) and the best news of all....the Uveitus has completely gone away.  That means no more white blood cells in the eyes and no more inflammation.  Dr. P was very pleased at the progress I had made over the past six weeks.  I was thrilled for the news.  Now this means that he can begin to ween me from all medications.  This part is a slow process as he doesn't want my eyes to rebound and get bad again.  So I will continue on both medications for awhile longer. I go back Jan 4th for my next checkup and Dr. P said if my eyes are still good at that time he will begin to get me off the medication.  So he thinks by spring I will be off!  I am very excited for this news!  The Uveitus and pressure are all under control and I am feeling like my old self again.  Thanks for the prayers and for following me on this journey.  The news came at a good time!  I was able to enjoy Thanksgiving and now Christmas. 

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