Friday Owen turned two months old. We had a Dr's visit for his first set of vaccines where he got five shots and and oral dose of something. He did really well and only cried a little. What a good boy! The nurse had James hold him while she gave him the shots. I was a wimp and opted to stand outside of the room. I just can't stand to see someone get a shot and definitely not my little boy. We thought he was about 12 lbs, but he only weighed in at 10 lbs 11 oz. The nurse laughed when I told her I thought he weighed 12 lbs. She said that would have been too much weight gain since he only weighed 6.8 at birth. Well, he sure feels like he weighs 12 lbs. My arms are getting a great work out! He measured 23 inches long. So over all he's really grown since his last visit. I am still packing away clothes that he has out grown, so looks like I have an excuse to go shopping again soon.
On Saturday we drove down to Culpeper visit with James' cousin Karen, her husband Derek and their daughter Samatha. She is adorable! She turned 1 in February and has started walking. She kept us entertained with her sweet little laughs and songs. She sang "deedley deedley do" all afternoon. It was cute and I found myself singing it on the car ride home home. Owen's Great Grandmother was there as well and he got to snuggle with her for a long while. It was a nice afternoon.
James and Samantha
Owen with his Great Grandmother: Grammy
Owen and Daddy just after lunch
Sammy with her dog Ranger. She loves him!
He gives me hope that Leo will be just as sweet with Owen
when he's big enough to roll on the floor with him
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