So I guess everyone has head about how important Tummy Time is.... Well, Owen hates it. Every time I put him down on his activity mat, face down, he buries his head and screams. I am so afraid he's going to suffocate that I hesitate to leave him in this position for long. I hear you should do this for 20 minutes at a time, which seems long to me. I try my best to do this when he's most alert because if he's sleepy, he'll just face plant himself down and there's no waking him. He really likes to be on his back so he can bat at all the toys hanging down. If anyone has suggestions on how to get him to enjoy tummy time, I am all ears. I know this is important to build up those neck muscles and I want to make sure he's getting it in, but as of right now it's just not working. I have also tried to prop him up on his Boppy pillow, but he gets so comfortable and just turns his head to the side and it's off to dreamy land for him.
Most babies dislike Tummy Time at first, so you’re not alone. And you’re right that it is an important developmental tool, especially with all the time babies spend on their backs sleeping and in “containers” like car seats, strollers and bouncers. Try getting down there on the floor with him and show him a baby-proof mirror, or play peek-a-boo to make it a bit more stimulating. You can also try some tummy-down holds with him: carry him like a football, tummy down in your arms close to your body. And, instead of propping him on your shoulder, soothe him on your lap face down. Pathways Awareness has come up with some tips to make it easier on parents: They also have a unique developmental calendar with activities to foster your LO’s growth: