Saturday, September 25, 2010

Home Sweet Home!

Baby Aidan is home from the hospital! Thanks for all the words of encouragement and prayers during this time. Now we can all rest because he's home where he belongs, in his Mommy's arms.
Aidan is a beautiful baby boy and he already weights 7 pounds! The going home pictures really made me remember the day we brought Owen home..... We were in the hospital for 5 days and if felt like an eternity. So I can not imagine what 7 weeks would feel like. I know they must have been full of emotion as they put him in the car and drove away. I know James and I both cried when we pulled into the drive way with Owen for the fist time. It was so surreal-we were finally home. So for Mike and Anjoli, I know it will take some time to sink in. But again, I bet they have already have a system down with Aidan. I'm so happy for them! There's no place like home! Home Sweet Home!

Leaving the hospital - he's free!

 Aidan's First Car Ride Home!

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