Thursday, September 2, 2010

Trip to GA

Owen meets Aunt Laura for the first time
And his Aunt Nancy
Sitting next to his May May (grandmother) at dinner
So proud to get a puff in his mouth
Eating the table?
He's got it!
One of our many hotel rooms
He had fun in our bed
I see you Mommy!
Owen refused a nap on day two and finally crashed after his bottle
Owen meets Uncle Shane for the first time
Shane might be a little rusty. His boy is now 9!
And my wonderfully funny nephew, Bryce.  Love this kid!
Shane, Bryce and Owen: The Boys
OK my family is a little nutty!  James and my Mom
Really Hunny?  Must you do this?
Bryce and Owen playing ball.  Yay for cousins!
So cute
Bryce said: "Let me hug my cousin before I go, next time I see him he'll be grown."
Me and my Big Brother
He didn't want this taken since he was waring his undershirt. Haha!
Shane and Owen!
Mommy and Owen having a snack at May May's
Daddy trying to get Owen to nap.  My favorite boys!
Crawling for Puffs
And he finds the container and spills them out
Another hotel room!
This was taken at 3 am and look who's awake!
Oh boy, he thinks this is his bed for the night
I'm sleeping here, right Mommy?
Better get my blankie then
I got it!

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