Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Happy Tuesday!

My instructor at the Gym always yells this out in the class.  So I'm just passing it on.  Happy Tuesday!  Mom bought Owen this outfit and today was his first day to ware it.  It fits him well and made him look very mature :)  So I had to get a few pictures of him before we stepped out for our day.  It was very hard to get pictures of  him while walking, but I managed to get a few.  I had to be quick!  I laugh each time I see these.  He sticks his tongue out when he walks.  This just started yesterday.  Maybe he's excited or it helps with balance.  Little lizard boy!  We are having so much fun playing together these days!  Many bumps on the face and head today, but he shook them off and kept on going.  Hope we can keep his face bruise free for his first birthday pictures.

He's walkin

I like my outfit MayMay

I like to hold on to Mommy's leg

And I'm off

Hehehe!  Here I come!

He looks like my brother Shane here

And here as well

Getting up

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