Monday, January 24, 2011

Walking Update

I thought it would take a little longer, but it seems to be official now.  Owen is up and walking!  This weekend he was on his feet most of the time.  He still reverts back to crawling for long distances and speed, but he's walking around.  I went down to throw a load of laundry in yesterday, James and Owen were in the playroom, and Owen was walking across the room while holding a ball.  That takes balance!  James was playing video games and Owen was just walking around.  No big deal! I stood on the stairs and watched for a minute.  I get very excited - emotional when I see him walk across the room.  I still can't believe he's doing it.  We hosted playgroup today and all his buddies were cheering him on.  It was so cute and he loved all the attention!  I'll post more videos later tonight. 

1 comment:

  1. It is probably nice to have that play room downstairs for all the kids. It was so nice talking to you. Can't wait to see videos and photos of O's first bday.
