Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Monster Boots, Nachos & Stuff

Took this after the gym today.  He looks so grown up!

Birds Eye of Owen!

Can't turn your back on him!

Loves to shred paper!  At what age does this end?

Mexican Corn Nachos!

Featured in Food Network Magazine this month

Owen having a snack and Leo waiting to clean up the crumbs.

These two equal trouble when together!

I love this so much!  Owen was telling him back it up!

And finally Leo got his crumb

Yup it's all gone now

And Owen's new thing....feeding the dog

Pulling his hair - Leo could care less.  Just play with me Owen!

How many times a day do I get their names mixed up?

Best Buddies!

Still loves the remote!

This is a great shot.  Really shows how he smirks lately.

New Monster Boots!  Keep his feet very warm! 

Being Silly!  Thanks Kest for my shirt!  It finally fits now!

Yeah, you're still cute!  
Owen's hair is getting long in the back-side.  Mini Mullet! So James is taking him for his first real haircut, on the 28th, at the barber shop!  And not sure if you can tell from these pics, but our living room has taken on many looks this year.....  We are finally back to more of an adult atmosphere now.  We only a have a few toys out upstairs and all baby gear and stuff is downstairs.  Its so nice to have our space back!

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