Sunday, January 2, 2011

1st Christmas

We had such a nice Christmas.  My mom (May May & Paw Paw) came up for Owen's first Christmas.  James and I (Santa) got Owen some big boy toys for the basement.  His grandparents got him a wooden rocking air plane and his aunts, uncles, and so on came over with lots  more toys.  He had such a big day opening and playing with all his new toys.  I could hardly sleep Christmas Eve night, just waiting to see Owen's reaction to everything.  It was like when I was a little kid waiting with anticipation to see what would be under the tree.  We had a nice dinner with Skye and Shannon on Christmas Eve.  I made a Crown Roast of Lamb with stuffing and sides.  And on Christmas day we had a big brunch with James side of the family.  We somehow managed to miss the big blizzard that was headed our way on Christmas day so it wasn't a white Christmas for us, but I was ok.  We saw enough snow last year to last me awhile.  I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas too!  And Happy New Year!  All the best in 2011!

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